While many businesses are getting in on the act of using screen printed t-shirts
for their promotions and for their employees, not enough others are taking
advantage. Since the technology for making your own t-shirts has increased in
the past few years, the cost of these services is dropping. You can have
beautifully made shirts for much less than you might think. If you pursue a
creative endeavor as a hobby, a side business or your primary source of income,
these shirts might just give you a new revenue stream.
Show Off Your Photography
Photographers don't often consider shirts to be a way of promoting their work, but that's just because they haven't tried it yet! With the high quality screen printed t-shirts that are available today, you will find that photographs replicate fairly well. This will let you put some of your best photos on a shirt and sell them on your site. More people will be able to see your photos, and you can spread the word about your work.
Promoting the Band
Bands have used t-shirts to promote for many years. However, it was once only the larger bands that were selling out shows that were able to afford to invest in the shirts. Today, even your garage band that booked only a few shows can have t-shirts set up on your own merchandise table. You can simply use the name of your band and your logo if that's all that you have, or you can include cover art from your CD. Since there are likely men and women both who enjoy your music, make sure that you have shirts for both males and females at least in size and cut, even if they have the same design.
Cover Art for Books
If you are an indie writer or a small press writer, there is a good chance that you aren't getting much promotion from your publisher. Have some screen printed t-shirts printed with your book cover on it and wear it at your signings. Have a few on hand that you can sell during the signing as well as through your website.
Of course, these are just three examples of ways that
creative individuals are starting to use screen printed t-shirts to promote
their endeavors. You will easily be able to tailor concepts for a shirt to help
promote your own ideas and art. Find a company that prints the shirts and get
started today.
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